레이블이 Lodi Car Crash인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Lodi Car Crash인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'car crash what to do'|... a car accident). What makes this time.... No car is crashed, and my house is...it'll... be.. nice... to keep... a journal... yeah...

About 'car crash what to do'|... a car accident). What makes this time.... No car is crashed, and my house is...it'll... be.. nice... to keep... a journal... yeah...

I               was               in               a               car               accident               about               two               and               a               half               weeks               ago.

I               was               hit               by               a               drunk               driver.

I               was               driving               behind               a               truck,               going               north,               and               a               car               was               coming               south.

The               driver               of               the               car               was               intoxicated,               and               he               just               came               right               over               the               center               line               in               the               road               and               ran               right               into               the               truck.

I               swerved               to               the               right,               to               try               and               avoid               any               collision.

However,               I               couldn't               swerve               far               enough               in               time,               and               I               was               hit               on               the               driver's               side               of               the               car.

I               was               driving.

The               side               air               bag               deployed,               but               the               front               airbag               did               not.

Thus,               the               seatbelt               was               the               only               restraint               in               the               front               of               me,               and               it               definitely               took               its               grip.

I               may               or               may               not               have               also               hit               the               steering               wheel.

Whatever               happened,               I               hurt               my               chest               area.

I               would               like               to               explain               the               string               of               circumstances               that               followed               to               help               anyone               else               who               is               involved               in               a               similar               accident,               so               you               will               know               what               to               expect.

I               found               one               of               the               worst               things               to               be               that               I               didn't               know               what               was               going               on,               and               I               hope               this               knowledge               will               free               your               mind.
               So,               what               do               you               do               and               what               should               you               expect               when               you               are               in               a               car               crash               and               receive               a               seatbelt               injury?
               First,               you               will               feel               an               immense               pain               in               your               chest               area,               where               your               sternum               lies.

The               pain               will               also               most               likely               occur               above               your               sternum               at               the               top               of               your               chest               and               to               the               sides               of               your               sternum.

The               pain               will               be               so               bad               that               it               will               be               hard               to               move               at               all.
               This               article               focuses               on               no               bones               being               broken               or               fractured,               but               this               is               a               great               possibility               in               this               type               of               accident.

As               soon               as               the               ambulance               arrives               to               the               scene,               the               EMT               will               start               asking               you               questions.

Does               your               back               hurt               anywhere               or               your               neck?

If               so,               you               could               have               broken               your               neck,               could               have               whiplash,               or               could               have               pinched               a               nerve               or               damaged               your               spine.

If               your               sternum/ribcage               area               hurts,               you               may               have               fractured               your               sternum               or               broken               a               rib.

So,               what               they               will               want               to               do               is               put               you               on               a               board               and               make               sure               you               can't               move               your               head,               neck,               or               the               rest               of               your               body.
               In               my               case,               I               was               able               to               get               out               of               the               car.

Although               I               was               in               immense               pain               in               my               sternum               area,               I               had               so               much               shock               and               adrenaline               that               it               allowed               me               to               get               out               of               the               car.

I               was               in               great               shock,               because               I               didn't               even               think               the               car               was               hit               very               hard.

It               seemed               like               I               was               in               the               twilight               zone.

I               tried               to               open               the               driver's               door,               but               it               wouldn't               open.

The               car               had               been               hit               right               here               in               the               accident.

(The               car               actually               was               totalled!)
               So,               the               first               thing               to               expect               right               after               the               accident               is               great               pain               and               shock,               as               well               as               adrenaline.

It               will               seem               like               a               nightmare.

The               shock               means               it               is               hard               to               believe               that               you               were               hit               so               hard.
               Then,               they               put               you               in               the               ambulance               to               take               you               to               the               hospital.

When               you               are               constrained               like               this,               it               is               somewhat               scary.

You               can't               see               anything               but               the               ambulance               lights               above               your               head,               and               the               EMT's               are               taking               your               blood               pressure               and               pulse.

My               blood               pressure               went               up               to               about               130               over               80,               from               my               normal               120               over               70.

This               was               once               I               was               in               the               ambulance-               it               could               have               been               much               greater               at               other               points.

This               was               due               to               the               shock               of               the               accident.

My               pulse               was               racing.

I               didn't               like               not               being               able               to               move               my               head               or               neck,               and               I               didn't               know               what               was               wrong               with               me!

At               this               point,               I               was               told               that               I               would               have               to               get               xrays.
               The               second               thing               to               expect               then,               is               an               ambulance               ride               to               the               hospital,               with               EMT's               checking               your               vitals.
               Once               arriving               at               the               hospital,               they               take               you               off               the               stretcher               and               into               a               hospital               bed.

I               thought               this               was               a               bad               idea.

If               my               neck               was               broken               or               something,               this               could               have               made               it               worse.

They               actually               took               off               the               neck               brace!

But,               I               was               told               later,               if               they               thought               there               was               any               chance               of               this               then               it               would               have               been               left               on.

I               was               told               that               I               had               to               go               get               xrays               then               to               see               if               any               bones               were               broken.

I               was               in               so               much               pain               that               I               could               barely               move.

It               hurt               even               when               THEY               took               me               off               the               stretcher.

It               hurt               just               to               lie               still!

The               xrays               were               awful.

The               xray               technician               wants               you               to               stand               up               and               take               the               xrays.

There               was               no               way               I               was               going               to               be               able               to               do               this!

They               ended               up               putting               the               bed               into               a               sitting               position               and               propping               me               up               to               do               the               xrays.

Even               this               hurt               alot!
               The               third               thing               to               expect               is               painful               x-raying.
               I               was               informed               that               nothing               was               broken,               and               so               they               gave               me               ibuprofen               800mg               and               vicadin,               a               narcotic               controlled               substance,               for               the               pain.

No               matter               what               you               take,               the               pain               is               immense,               I               think.

They               warned               me               that               the               pain               would               get               worse               in               the               morning,               when               all               the               adrenaline               wore               off.

I               was               told               that               I               would               get               really               stiff               and               sore               and               that               it               would               get               worse               before               it               got               better.
               So,               then               I               tried               to               get               out               of               the               hospital.

This               was               almost               impossible.

It               took               everything               I               had               to               endure               the               pain               to               sit               up               and               then               stand.

The               hospital               staff               seemed               as               if               they               were               laughing               at               me               that               I               was               in               such               pain.

They               seemed               somewhat               resistant               to               help               me.

I               had               to               have               someone               carry               my               belongings               to               the               waiting               area               to               wait               for               my               ride.

I               found               it               treacherous               to               try               walking,               and               lifting               anything               certainly               wasn't               going               to               happen.

Every               time               I               took               a               couple               of               steps,               the               muscles               in               my               chest               area               would               have               like               a               small               painful               spasm!
               In               the               morning,               the               doctors               were               right.

I               could               barely               move.

It               hurt               to               even               shift               from               one               side               to               the               other               in               bed.

I               had               to               basically               lie               on               my               back,               but               even               this               was               painful.

Not               moving               was               painful.

Moving               was               painful.

All               I               wanted               to               do               was               find               ways               to               avoid               using               any               muscles               in               my               chest.

I               found               that               this               is               next               to               impossible.

For               almost               anything               you               do,               you               use               your               chest               muscles.

The               first               few               days               I               was               sore,               in               other               areas               than               just               my               chest.

I               was               sore               in               my               neck,               and               think               I               had               some               whiplash.

I               could               hardly               move               my               neck               for               about               three               days.

My               wrists               hurt               and               my               joints               in               my               feet               hurt.

My               leg               muscles               and               arm               muscles               also               seemed               to               tighten               up               for               a               few               days.
               Fourth,               expect               soreness               and               pain.

The               soreness               is               in               areas               other               than               the               greatly               injured               chest               area,               with               great               pain               in               the               chest               area.
               The               next               couple               of               days               was               a               living               nightmare.

Every               time               I               moved               in               bed,               I               felt               pain.

Trying               to               sit               up               in               bed               or               lay               down               was               very               hard.

I               had               to               roll               out               of               my               bed,               by               putting               my               feet               on               the               floor               and               then               sliding               the               rest               of               my               body               out.

I               couldn't               use               my               chest               muscles               to               sit               up               or               to               lay               down.

For               these               first               couple               of               days,               doing               anything               with               my               chest               muscles               made               them               more               sore               and               stiff,               and               induced               great               pain.
               For               the               next               week,               I               couldn't               use               my               chest               muscles.

If               I               did,               I               caused               a               new               pain.

I               couldn't               carry               even               my               small               purse               without               my               chest               muscles               hurting.

I               had               trouble               going               from               a               sitting               to               standing               position,               and               still               had               to               roll               in               and               out               of               bed.

If               I               was               even               a               little               late               with               ibuprofen,               I               would               feel               my               chest               starting               to               become               inflamed               and               hurt               even               when               not               moving.

The               mornings               were               the               worst,               because               overnight               the               pain               medication               wears               off.

I               tried               to               take               it               right               before               bed.

The               ibuprofen               alone               made               me               sick.

Everything               seemed               to               make               me               sick               on               my               stomach.

Although               I               didn't               throw               up,               I               had               other               problems.

I               didn't               have               much               of               an               appetite               and               seemed               to               crave               chocolate               to               ease               the               pain.

I               lost               much               of               my               motivation,               and               found               it               easy               while               bedridden               alone               to               start               thinking               about               everything.

I               had               to               hold               my               chest               muscles               just               when               sitting               up               or               walking.

The               worst               thing               of               all               was               sneezing.

If               you               sneeze,               forget               about               it!

The               pain               will               be               so               bad               that               it               is               almost               unbearable,               even               if               you've               taken               your               pain               medication.

It               almost               feels               like               you'e               reinjured               the               muscle.
               I               did               find               that               by               holding               my               chest               muscles,               I               could               avoid               them               moving               much,               and               this               helped               a               little               with               the               pain.
               Fifth,               expect               having               a               hard               time               moving               and/or               doing               anything               for               over               a               week.
               By               ten               days               after               the               accident,               I               was               still               in               a               lot               of               pain.

I               still               had               to               roll               in               and               out               of               bed               and               couldn't               lift               anything.

I               found               that               if               I               was               really               careful               and               didn't               miss               any               medication               times               and               basically               stayed               in               bed,               I               wouldn't               have               too               much               pain               other               than               in               the               morning.

I               still               felt               sick               though,               and               my               appetite               had               not               returned.

I               can't               bend               over               to               put               on               socks-               I               have               to               bend               my               leg               up               so               I               can               put               the               socks               on               level.
               By               two               and               a               half               weeks               after               the               accident,               I               still               had               pain.

Now,               I               also               had               trouble               breathing               after               walking.

I               think               this               is               because               the               lungs               and               muscles               had               become               weakened               after               not               being               able               to               use               them               much.

I               still               roll               into               and               out               of               bed.

I               still               can't               lift               much,               although               I               can               lift               a               plate               now               for               dinner,               or               something               one               or               two               pounds.

I               have               found               a               way               to               stand               up               just               using               my               leg               muscles               so               I               don't               have               to               use               the               chest               muscles               and               hurt               them.
               From               what               I               have               heard,               it               can               take               up               to               6               to               8               weeks               for               bruised               muscles               to               heal.

And,               once               they               don't               hurt               so               bad,               then               you               have               to               deal               with               building               them               back               up               again.

This               injury               is               no               joke-               it's               serious.

The               recovery               doesn't               happen               overnight.
               So,               finally               expect               pain               for               at               least               two               to               three               weeks,               and               then               a               long               recovery               process.
               Here               are               some               tips               I               learned               to               help               things:

When               you               are               in               great               pain,               trust               your               body.

If               certain               things               hurt,               don't               do               them.

If               it               hurts               to               lie               on               your               side,               lie               on               your               back.

Trust               your               body's               instincts.

Try               to               avoid               using               the               muscles               that               are               injured               during               the               period               when               there               is               still               sharp               pain.

Once               the               pain               dulls,               in               say               two               to               four               weeks,               you               can               start               to               rebuild               the               muscles               slowly.

If               something               hurts               with               sharp               pain,               avoid               it.

If               it               just               feels               a               little               stiff,               try               it               briefly               but               don't               overdo               it!

Don't               carry               things,               as               this               will               aggravate               the               injury.

Let               others               help               you.

Don't               sneeze!

Do               whatever               you               can               to               avoid               this.

This               seems               as               if               it               can               set               you               back               for               days.

Put               your               finger               under               your               nose               or               something               to               try               and               stop               it!

Understand               that               the               body               is               working               to               try               and               heal               itself,               so               don't               freak               out               when               it               takes               time.

The               more               you               can               relax,               the               faster               the               healing               process               will               be.

It               was               hard               for               me,               because               I               didn't               understand               all               of               this               (which               is               why               I               wrote               this               article.)
               All               in               all,               I               know               at               least               twenty               times               I               thought               to               myself               that               if               I               hadn't               been               wearing               a               seatbelt,               it               couldn't               have               hurt               me               so               bad.

But               then               I               instantly               realize               the               alternative               would               have               been               for               me               to               hit               the               steering               wheel               (harder)               or               to               go               through               the               windshield.

I               might               have               been               killed               instead               of               just               badly               injured.

My               advice-               deal               with               the               seatbelt               injury               pain               and               don't               even               think               about               not               wearing               one!
               I               hope               this               article               helps               you               to               understand               what               happens               and               what               to               expect               when               you               are               injured               in               a               car               crash               and               have               a               seatbelt               injury.

Good               luck               and               be               glad               you               are               alive!

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car crash what to do

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car crash what to do

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car crash what to do
car crash what to do

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car crash what to do
car crash what to do

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